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OneCoin Founder Arrested; Mother Introduced as OneCoin Mother

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OneCoin founder Dr. Ruja's disappearance and arrest have caused controversy. She was due to speak at a Lisbon one-coin seminar, but she didn't show up. Her colleagues believed she was abducted. She has not been seen since October 2017. There are many unanswered questions. Her whereabouts remain unknown. The BBC podcast "One Coin, The Insane Rise a Cryptocurrency Entrepreneur", has gone viral.

Ruja Ignatova was 40 years old and co-founded OneCoin. She was taken into custody in March 2019. She pleaded guilty and will spend as much as 90 years behind bars to money laundering fraud charges. Sebastian Greenwood, Sebastian's brother, did not respond to requests for comment. Despite the turmoil, they continue to market OneCoin coins. And at a recent promotional event in Bucharest, the brothers' mother, Veska Ignatova, has been introduced as the matriarch of the OneCoin family. She is sorry for the inconveniences that her brother and sons have experienced.

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OneCoin's founder tried to explain why OneCoin is so different from Bitcoin. It's because the one coin was made to be used worldwide. It was declared a "cryptocurrency killer" in 2014, and it is said to have the potential to change how we think about money. Russian police arrested 18 Mumbai residents at a OneCoin recruiter event in 2016. The investigation began after $11 million was transferred from the bank accounts of suspects.

An investigation revealed that Ignatov had spoken privately with her sister about what to do in the event OneCoin failed. She wrote, “take the money to run, don't blame anybody else.” It is unclear if this is true but a former cofounder has admitted to being a victim of fraud. This case will not end. It is important to remember that Ignatov has a criminal history and is not under the FBI's control.

While many of the OneCoin investors were skeptical at first, they later realised that their investments had been a scam. As a result, the scam became notorious and the OneCoin founder was convicted of fraud and lost her fortune. Despite this, the scandal has caused the OneCoin founder to be arrested for fraud. During filming, police also found the missing funds from the fund's investors.

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OneCoin founder Ruja Ignatova is suspected of taking money from her investors. The founder of OneCoin is a one coin scam and a ponzi scheme. This scam is massive, but not a ponzi. It is a legitimate, legal investment. However, it is a complete scam. It was a fraudulent operation with a bad reputation.


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When is it appropriate to buy cryptocurrency?

The best time to make a cryptocurrency investment is now. Bitcoin's value has risen from just $1,000 per coin to close to $20,000 today. The cost of one bitcoin is approximately $19,000 The market cap of all cryptocurrencies is about $200 billion. It is still quite affordable to invest in cryptocurrencies as compared with other investments, such as stocks and bonds.

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It's already mainstream. Over half of Americans own some form of cryptocurrency.

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Mining cryptocurrency is similar to mining for gold, except that instead of finding precious metals, miners find digital coins. It is also known as "mining", because it requires the use of computers to solve complex mathematical equations. These equations can be solved using special software, which miners then sell to other users. This creates "blockchain," which can be used to record transactions.


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OneCoin Founder Arrested; Mother Introduced as OneCoin Mother